
Are You a Pharmacist Worrier? 4 Steps To Be Worry Free

4 Steps To Be Worry Free

Are You a Pharmacist Worrier? 4 Steps To Be Worry Free

I will share a part of me I like to believe does not exist. I can easily be a worrier.  My heart worries out over everything. As if worrying all day is not enough, I stay up at night to worry some more.

I do not just worry when my workbench is bleeding prescriptions to check, or the high volume of prescription to dispense, or the stock order to put away.

When a customer gets angry or frustrated; I worry. How could I have helped the situation. I will take it home and vent over a cuppa with anyone willing to listen. It will take me days to overcome this feeling of let down and dissatisfaction of the service I offered. 

I grew to realise you actually can’t please them all. It’s just not possible. And sometimes people are having a bad day and they just spill all over with no consideration of who is at the receiving end.


So I derived a flow process. If I follow each step to handle every dilemma then am rest assured I did all I could to support the needs of the patient. I can go home and go to sleep without any worry in my heart. Believe me in this pharmacist job we need this; else we risk running our little worry hearts to the ground. This is my very own problem solving SOP.


4 Steps To Worry Free

1. Be Open/Honest:
It’s either I have the stock or not. It’s either I ordered the items or not. Just stay honest and accept mistake if any. 

2. Ask:
Speak with the customer and ask what they require. Give them an opportunity to say what they expect/need. 

3. Listen:
The power of listening is beyond imagination. Listen to the words, understand the problem and only then can the problem be solved. 

4. Be Considerate:
Stay considerate at all times. Show empathy to the patient; have a better understanding of their feelings. 



Are You a Pharmacist Worrier? 4 Steps To Be Worry Free


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