
Gifts From A Community Pharmacist

Every day is a celebration, especially when you have a massive network of friends and family; there is always something to celebrate. Gifting is NOT a chore for me, because I love the smile it puts on faces, I regard gifting as a sign of love and appreciation. 

Being a community pharmacist, it’s a massive challenge to fight the temptation of buying every ‘deal of the week’ on display in store. Think about it, it’s easily accessible, you don’t have to go to town on your ‘one day-off’ and you probably get a staff discount. Bargain! The temptation is real.

BUT I love sensible and practical gifts,the idea of opening up a present and it’s something I have always wanted or will definitely use it’s rewarding in itself.
CAUTION a practical gift could sometimes be mistaken to be a very basic gift. To avoid crossing the thin line between a practical gift and a basic gift, I put effort into presenting the gifts ( it’s all about packaging right).

It usually takes me over a week to decide what to buy because, when I buy a gift, I put a lot of thought into it. I think about the occasion, the person involved and of course the budget, all these factors helps in making my decision. Something I also like to do is, listen to people’s hints of their wish lists (do listen out for mine) and try to incorporate it in my gift idea. 

However my most priceless ideal gift, up for grabs will be ‘spend a day with me at work’. That way I don’t have to explain my silence in the evenings or lack of a social-life at weekends 🙁 .

Look below at what inspired this post, I put together a hamper basket of some baby essentials over the weekend.

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Welcome To The World Beautiful Baby, May God’s Grace Always Be With You.

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