How To Choose Your Career In 2019
I wake up most mornings wondering how I ended up as a Pharmacist. I wish I could say it was the “superb foundation from high school”. Don’t get me wrong educational system in Nigeria ensures you think about your future from an early stage. It just didn’t work for me.
The thought of what I wanted to be in life just didn’t cross my mind at the age of 14, I knew I wanted to be able to wear heels and blazers daily, but the nature of the job was just an empty whiteboard.
It was time to make a decision; Science or Arts classes. The norm back then was science courses are more challenging, so I took what I thought was the easy way out. Well so I thought. I had my moments, I was not the best in any course but I passed my WAEC (GCSE).
Fast forward to college, my dad enrolled me for a Diploma in Business, mum on the other hand didn’t like the idea. she said in a calm voice “ my baby it’s your decision to make but if you ask me your mother to help you decide, I will say be like your sisters, pharmacists, with good pay and job security. Remember my baby the choice is yours to make”. From that speech I truly didn’t have a choice to make, after a year of business and a quick summer break my sister switched on autopilot, manufacturer-reset, fast track science.
I learnt all I could about chemistry in a year, truly I learnt the bare minimum to get me through pharmacy applications as I was convinced things will be different in university.
Things were indeed different in university.
June 9, 2016 at 07:391)You can become whatever you choose to be.
2) The fact that it’s not the usual path way, shouldn’t discourage you.
3) people you roll with and surround yourself with do/ will have a great impact in your life. Be sensible!!!
Kaka keep writing, keep motivating, & keep sharing.
Kaka Osagie
June 9, 2016 at 23:01I totally agree. Thank you for reading my post and for the advice. It’s really encouraging. 😊