Pre Reg Progress Report: How Do I Get Sign Off
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76 performance outcomes to achieve in 52 weeks. Read below all the necessary information required for a progress report with detailed examples of task to undergo in order for your Pre Reg Tutor to sign you off. Let’s dive right in.
How do i get sign off by my pre reg tutor?
Be involve in all the day to day activities carried out in your training location. That is the quickest way to achieve all 76 Performance Standards. Do not shy away from tasks.
The pre reg pharmacist role gets mixed and can be forgotten as the year goes by. Therefore at the start of every week view a section of the performance standard and have a clear understanding of what is required.
What to expect?
A pre reg tutor helps to develop the necessary skills, knowledge and behaviour required to meet the standard of a pharmacist. with this in mind, expect constructive feedback from tutors. Expect pre reg tutors to point out ways to improve communication, skills etc. Expect them to point out crucial gaps in knowledge. Pre reg tutors will monitor your progress across the 52 weeks. They will like to see you put the performance standards into practice consistently. It is highly recommended to present pre reg tutors with more than one evidence for each standard.
At the end of progress reports, a pre reg pharmacist should have goals and objectives. A clear map of becoming a qualified pharmacist.
Manage feedback
It is difficult to have to hear negative comments, however the important fact is; it is not a personal attack.
Remain professional at all times.
It just does not make any sense to fight a pre reg tutor instead focus all the energy into being the best version of a pre reg pharmacist.
I know of a very good and experienced pharmacist today, that only got signed off for one competency at week 13 (communicate effectively in English). This pharmacist passed pre reg exams first time. I do not believe that was a result of disrespecting the pre reg tutor.
What to present?
This is the fun part.
What and how will you present performance outcomes?
Reflective Statement is a good way of presenting evidence. Write a detailed account of when a performace outcome was achieved.
Continuing Professional Development Record.
In Pharmacy Campaigns.
Witness Statement from a store colleague or supervising pharmacist in the absence of pre reg tutor.
The Three Units Of Performance Standards
A. Personal effectiveness
B. Interpersonal skills
C. Medicines and health
A.1 Manage Self
- A pre registration pharmacist should routinely respond to a need that is greater.
- When performing a task that does not require urgent completion, a pre registration pharmacist should recognise a queue of waiting patients at the counter that require serving. By so doing, a pre registration pharmacist demonstrates a level of self-awareness and a great team player.
Download a complete guide below
The Three Units of Performance Standards
Pre Reg Practice Questions
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